The long winter of 2020


I am calling it the long winter as nature is forcing us to withdraw. Nature is telling us that we cannot skip winter. Just like atoms stop moving in the cold so do we during this crises. It feels like a very logical response from nature to our continuous need to always be in “full spring”. Full visible manifested growth is what we pursue. We need to be able to measure growth in numbers. Corona is telling us iIt can’t be spring always!

As Corona pushed us back into winter, it triggered our imagination for a different world. We all saw the clean water in Venice, the smogless cities, homeschooling, remote working. It showed us the risk of centrally organized infrastructure. It showed us how dependent we are to some primary central processes. It also showed us human agility and ingenuity. It made us question the world we created as we are not participating in it anymore but roleplaying in a new world.

Corona also commanded us to show our true faces in the spotlight. It revealed us, as it forced us to act in this moment of crises. It pushed us out of our shadows. Out of our imagined constructs of reality. It cleared the fog. It is showing us who leads, who heals, who teaches and who cares. Not by accident are this the four main archetypes that can be found in almost all shamanic cultures. Corona works like the sorting hat of Harry Potter in a sense. As we need to do have the uncomfortable talk or do the uncomfortable act we learn a lot about ourselves and the people that affect our lives. Probably it is a healthy process as we are burning off our old “untrue self” in order to be more aligned with our true north. Just like how we burn dead wood in a forest for it to be nutrients for the living trees. I am using this time especially to burn off some of my “dead wood”. Time to have some uncomfortable talks with myself and about the future I want to create for myself and my family.

Spring will come and it will a strong spring as it will take place on very fertile ground.


Time To Regroup


Yes it hurts!